Yes You Can Do It

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You Can Make a Difference


Our Vision

To create opportunities, growth, and impact children in underserved communities. Directing the minds of children towards the fear of God through Biblical disciplines, which in consideration of existence is the beginning of wisdom.

Hawa Quaye

Founder & Executive Director

Our Mission

TCCI exist to help underserved children in rural communities attain education and biblical disciplines. Our mission is to help families become self-sufficient through skills training. The goal for the project is to empower people to be financially stable and come to know the love of God in Jesus Christ. Please watch the video.

Help to save our children

Our Targets Donation

1 %
1 %
1 %

Communities Events

Projects events

Here are our upcoming and past projects along with events. We thank you in advance and welcome your desire to contribute or donate to support our future generation.

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